Virtual Counseling

My online therapy sessions are designed to be convenient and accessible for anyone, no matter their schedule or location.

My Flexible Online Therapy Options.

At Sherol's Mental Health Online Therapy, I understand that each client has unique needs and preferences when it comes to therapy. That's why I offer a range of options to suit your needs, including video therapy, voice call therapy, live chat therapy, and messaging therapy. As your therapist, I want to provide you with the most flexible, convenient, and effective options for your mental health journey. Whether you prefer a personal touch with voice call therapy or a real-time connection through live chat therapy, I'm here to support you on your terms. Choose the format that works best for you and start receiving the support you need to feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

Video Therapy
Video therapy is the perfect choice if you're looking for an experience that closely resembles an in-person therapy session. During the session, you and your therapist will be able to see each other's body language and hear each other's tone of voice, creating a more personal and impactful therapeutic alliance. In fact, research shows that video therapy sessions can produce some of the best results. We highly recommend this type of session for anyone looking for high-quality, convenient, and effective mental health support.

Voice Call Therapy
Voice call therapy is an effective way to communicate with your therapist through your mobile phone or the BetterHelp app. You can talk to your therapist just like you would on a phone call, allowing your tone and emotions to come through. While you won't be able to see each other's faces, voice call therapy provides a more personal touch than messaging or live chat therapy. You can receive the support you need from the comfort of your own home or on-the-go, without sacrificing the quality of your therapy session.

Live Chat Therapy
Live chat therapy is a great alternative to messaging therapy. With live chat, you'll receive responses from your therapist in real-time throughout your session. It's a great option if you need to take your psychotherapy session on-the-go and can't find a private space, like a café. Live chat is also a great choice if you're not yet comfortable with speaking through a phone or video call. You can receive the support you need, anywhere, at any time, and at your own pace.

Messaging Therapy
Messaging therapy is a great way to take your time and share your thoughts in detail with your therapist. You can write as much as you want, and your therapist can respond with a well-thought-out, detailed response. Additionally, if there's something you'd like to discuss during your next live session, you can note it down and bring it up later. Messaging therapy provides a safe and convenient space for you to receive the support you need, on your own terms.

"Empower your mind, transform your life – Begin your mental health journey today!"

—Sherol Ziegenbein